Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 28-December 2

Weekly Assignments:

Bellwork-Correcting, proofreading, and editing sentences. (daily)

Grammar- Writer's Choice pgs. 451-453- Simple subjects and predicates/Complete subjects and predicates-Exercises 1-4

Novel Study- The Great Gatsby

Pre-reading questions

Character list


Author information video

Grading rubric for unit

The Great Gatsby-chapter 1 vocabulary

1. bore

2. feign

3. levity

4. acute

5. reproach

6. supercilious

7. fractiousness

8. divan

9. reciprocal

10. contemptuously

11. extemporizing

12. peremptorily

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14-18

Bellwork-Daily, will be turned in on Friday.
Writer's Choice- pg. 441

Interjections- Exercises 82-83

Literature- Beginnings of the Modern Age and the

Harlem Renaissance... pgs. 635-651.

In Class Activities:

  • pre-reading literature video

  • group activity with modern age information

  • pgs. 628-632 AHSGE practice test #1-18

  • note taking activity/guide

  • Begin modern age poetry.

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 11th

There will be no school on November 11th in observance of Veteran's Day. However, the football game will be played that night at home. The game will begin at 7:00 P.M. Admission is $7.00. The pep-rally will take place on Thursday afternoon.

November 7-11

This week we will complete To Build a Fire by Jack London.
Weekly Assignments:
Bellwork- correcting, editing, and proofreading sentences.

Vocabulary Development- Completing sentences with correct vocabulary.

Writing- Analyzing the relationship of the main character with the naturalist environment in the literary selection.

Comprehension questions and review on page 606.

Open- Book Test.

Make sure you are completing all daily assignements and turning them in accordingly.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

October 31-November 4

Monday- Finish typing final copies of essays.
Tuesday- Friday- Bellwork- grammar exercises, unit 10
Literature Selection- To Build a Fire by Jack London
1. intangible
2. immortality
3. compel
4. intervene
5. apathetically
6. setting
7. naturalism

Vocabulary Development
Comprehension Questions
Graphic Organizer- Story Map
Open-Book Test

Reading Strategy- Analyzing Logical Arguments