Monday, February 20, 2012

February 20-24

The Crucible, Act Four
1. conciliatory
2. reprieve
3. retaliation
4. adamant
5. indictment
6. tragedy

Act Four Comprehension Questions
pg. 1105, #1-4- Answers only

This week, you will also have a quiz on act four. We will be writing essays in class on the characterization of a certain character.

Bellwork- correcting, editing, and proofreading sentences. All bellwork for the week will be turned in on Friday.

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13-17

Assignments for the week:
Bellwork-correcting, editing, and proofreading sentences.
Act two vocabulary development worksheet- vocabulary with analogies.
Tuesday- Valentine's Day Literature Activity- in library.
Wednesday-  act three selection vocabulary practice worksheet-with writing link.
Thursday- Quiz- The Crucible, Act Three. (open-book)
Friday- Bellwork quiz, Act Three Comprehension Questions- pg. 1088, #1-4, answers only (open-book).

Act Three Vocabulary:
1. vile
2. immaculate
3. guile
4. contemplation
5. unperturbed
6. plot

**You will have time in class this week to study for the Alabama High School Graduation
Exam. Please bring your study guides to class for study time.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Field Trip Information

Date: March 8, 2012
Place: The Carver Theater- Birmingham, Alabama
Event: The Crucible- the play
Cost: $35 (includes cost of bus and play ticket)
You will also need money for lunch.
Bring your money as soon as you can. Seats are first come, first serve.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 6-10

The Crucible, Act Two
1. reprimand
2. base
3. covet
4. subtle
5. ineptly
6. stage directions

Weekly Activities:
vocabulary notes- word, part of speech, definition, used in a sentence
vocabulary quiz
vocabulary development worksheet
complete act two
open-book quiz on act two
wordsearch for key terms for act two
comprehension questions #1-7- pg. 1066
practice with analogies #1-5- pg. 1066
bellwork- correcting sentences daily. Turn in weekly bellwork on Friday.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

January 30-February 3

Assignments for the week:
The Crucible, Act One
Review building background on pg. 1023.
Begin summary and characterization on Act One.
Begin reading and watching Act One.
Worksheet- Dialogue search- Finding quotes in act one that explain events in act one.
Characterization of different characters- group activity
Quiz on act one and vocabulary...
Comprehension questions pg. 1045, #1-7 (Friday)
1. compromise
2. contention
3. subservient
4. pretense
5. evade

Summary of Act One:
The Reverend Parris saw girls dancing in the forest at night. Now, tow of them have fallen into trances. When questioned, Abigail Williams denies practicing witchcraft, but after talking with the other girls, her story changes. She admits to "conjuring" , but blames Tituba, Parris's slave, who in turn accuses others. In reality, Abigail had an affair with John Proctor and wants his wife dead. Two conflicting sides emerge in the community represented by the Putnams, who h9ope to prove witchcraft, and by Proctor and Rebecca Nurse, who are skeptical about accusations of witchcraft.