Monday, March 12, 2012

March 12-16

Literary Terms- Set 2
1. motif
2. sonnet
3. enjambment
4. description
5. foreshadowing
6. flash-forward
7. blank verse
8. style
9. apostrophe
10. stanza
11. voice
12. metaphor
13. motivation
14. repetition
15. meter
16. meter
17. juxtaposition
18. rhythm

Look up definitions of words- Reader's Choice literature book
Activities with words- crossword puzzle, word search, group activities, study time.
Test this week on literary terms set 2.

Don't forget remediation this week for graduation exams!!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

AHSGE Language Study Guide

Graduation Exams

The Alabama High School Graduation Exams are quickly approaching! I have study guides for the language and reading portions of the test. If you need a study guide, please see me as soon as possible.

Test Dates:
Monday, March 19- Language
Tuesday, March 20- Social Studies
Wednesday, March 21- Biology
Thursday, March 22- Math
Friday, March 23- Reading

March 5-9

Assignments for the week:
Literary Terms
Define the following:
1. tone
2. tragedy
3. author's purpose
4. setting
5. point-of-view
6. rhyme scheme
7. flashback
8. imagery
9. irony
10. dramatic monologue
11. theme
12. allusion
13. dialogue
14. characterization
15. conflict
16. plot
17. analogy
18. dialect
We will be defining and doing activities with these words this week. You will have a test on these words this week. Literary Terms Test #1