Friday, August 24, 2012

August 20-24

Bellwork- correcting, editing, and proofreading sentences.
Grammar- Writer's Choice book pgs. 401-404- Exercises 1-7
Literature- Reading selection How the World Was Made-A Cherokee creation myth.
     -pgs. 22-26
Vocabulary: 1. vault
                    2. alight
                    3. conjurer
                    4. archetype
                    5. alliteration

Vocabulary-Graphic organizer and group activity
archetypes- graphic organizer and group activity

Friday-Open book and open note literature test.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Class Syllabus

English 10 and Advanced English 10
Miss K. Carden
Fall Semester, 2012

Content: We will be using the Glencoe Literature book and The Writer’s Choice book throughout the semester. We will begin the semester with the grammar unit and Native American Literature.  We will also be proofreading, correcting, and editing every day during bell work. 

Bell work: Bell work will be graded on a daily basis. Every day is worth 20 points. So, it is important that you are in class every day. Bell work will be what is counted for the “star student” board. Every Monday I will go over the sentences and tell you how to correct them. Tuesday-Thursday you will do this on your own. If all of your sentences are correct on Tuesday-Thursday, you will receive a gold star for the week. Your name will go on the “star student” board. Once a month there will be a drawing of  “star student” names to receive a reward for their star student work. Anyone is eligible for “star student”, all you have to do is work carefully and pay attention.

Class work: All class work, bell work, and notes for this class will be kept in your class folder. Folders will be kept in the classroom. Sometimes you will have an open-folder test. You are able to use all notes and class work to help you on the test. Also, this is a great way to help us keep track of everything we have done in class this semester.

Evaluation: The system-wide grading scale will be used in this class.
90-100-A               80-89-B                  70-79-C                  60-69-D                 0-59-F
Class work, bell work, and tests will all be used when calculating grades. There will be a variety of assignments used for evaluation. There will be quizzes, tests, note-taking, graphic organizers, projects, vocabulary, worksheets, etc…. A variation of evaluation tools will be used for grade calculation.

Supplies: Bring a pencil or pen and paper to class every day. I have provided you with a classroom folder. I will designate books on a daily basis.

Expectations: Students are expected to:    Be seated, quiet and working on bell work by the tardy bell.
                                                                             Be prepared for class with supplies.
                                                                             Be respectful at all times.
                                                                              Follow all classroom and school rules.
Classroom Rules:
Respect everyone at all times.
Do not move classroom furniture or touch the windows or blinds.
No food, drink, gum, candy, cell phones or electronic devices allowed.
If it doesn’t belong to you, do not touch it.
Be on time and prepared for class everyday.
Follow all rules of the handbook. They will be strictly enforced.

Consequences: Students not following class expectations or rules will be written-up. School consequences include: 6 AM detention, Saturday school, and alternative school (minimum of 20 days).

Attendance: **Please adhere to the student handbook referring to attendance and make-up work. 3 tardies to class will result in a morning detention. Attendance and being on time is extremely important to academic achievement. If you are absent or need assignments or information, please check the class website/blog at

Welcome Back!

Welcome back students! On this blog, you will be able to find class assignments, announcements, and basic information. If you are absent, this is a great place to go to find out what we did in class.

The first day of school we will:
  Review the class syllabus which includes classroom rules and procedures.
  Take a personality test.
  Start practicing bell work procedures.

Please use this website/blog to your advantage.