Monday, December 12, 2011

Exemption Policy

To exempt a class, you must get an exemption form from your teacher. Exemption forms must be turned in to Mr. Harrison. Forms will not be taken after break time on Thursday. Students may be allowed to exempt a maximum of two semester exams per semester based on the following criteria:
1. A student who has an "A" average and 3 or fewer absences per class.
2. A student who has a "B" average and 2 or fewer absences per class.
3. A student who has a "C" average and 3 or fewer absences per class.
4. A high school student who passes all five areas of the Alabama High School Graduation Exam on the first attempt may exempt one exam during the semester in which the last exam is taken.
5. Any student who has received two or more Class II offenses or any Class III offenses or has been placed in the Alternative Program for any length of time will forfeit the opportunity to exempt any semester examination for that semester.
6. Additional Exemption for grades 7-12: One additional exemption may be earned in a single class/period if a student has had perfect attendance in that class.
AHSGE Exemptions: Students who passed all sections of the AHSGE the first time may exempt in the spring exams of that year only.
7. 9th grade students who improved on their SAT stanines will be on a list given out to teachers for an additional exemption.
8. All exemptions must be approved by Mr. Harrison prior to the exam date.

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